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How Do Hgh Products Work?



The human growth hormone or commonly know as hgh is secreted by your pituitary gland in the brain. Hgh is responsible for the growing up process and the repair and maintenance of our cells.

Natural hgh production is at its highest in children and reaches its peak during our teens and that is why children experience sudden increase in heights at this point in their lives. In adults, the hormone plays a critical role in the regulation of blood sugar level, metabolic rate, emotional stability and physical strength.

As human gets older, our body's production of the hormone begins to decline and because of the decreasing level, we get older and begin acquiring age related illnesses. Is it any wonder why this amazing hormone is also know as "the fountain of youth"?

There are claims that baby-boomers supplementing with hgh products is able to shave off as many as 10-20 years of age thus looking younger and having higher physical functioning proficiency.

This hormone or rather the human created version of it can be externally introduced into the body through various methods such as by injections, oral sprays and skin patches or supplements that are able to encourage our bodies to produce more of our own hgh. People use hgh products to slow down or even reversing the aging process. The question then is do hgh products work? Let's examine some of these products.

Hgh Injections - These are synthetic man made Hgh that are prepared in laboratories and are injected into the bloodstream. The problem is that artificial hgh is very expensive and is only affordable by the rich and famous. That is why many movie and pop stars are using this method to look and feel younger.

Since hgh injected is artificial and not your own hormone, recipients put themselves at risk of many negative side effects. That is why the law stipulates that only qualified doctors may supervise and administer the injections.

Hgh skin patches - These products work in the same way as injections. This is done by introducing artificial hgh into the bloodstream by absorption through the skin. The real reason why there is no oral method of introducing artificial hgh is because it can cause damages to the liver. Just as with injections, this method is also regulated by law and has to be administered by qualified doctors.

Hgh oral sprays - Then there are the oral sprays. But many people believe that oral sprays do not work because the molecules are too big to be absorbed by the tongue and oral tissues.

Hgh supplements - It is thought that the best method for ordinary people is to consume supplements that are called Hgh releasers or enhancers. These supplements are not regulated as they are not artificial hgh but are made from herbs and other safe substances to encourage your body to produce more of your natural hgh and so they do not have any known negative side effects. Furthermore, since they are not drugs, they can be easily obtainable.


  • Author (ผู้แต่ง) : Chris Chew
  • Category (หมวด) : Aging
  • Keywords (คำค้นหา) : human growth hormone, hgh, hgh products,
  • Posted (วันที่) : March 4, 2012 (10:52:12)
  • Viewer (จำนวนผู้ชม) : 6,091
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